DRC landerapport om militærtjeneste i Rusland
DRC landerapport om militærtjeneste i Rusland. Rapporten beskriver mobilisering og værnepligt siden Ruslands invasion af Ukraine den 24. feb…
DRC landerapport om forholdene for etniske hazaraer i Afghanistan
DRC rapport, som samler baggrundsoplysninger om den aktuelle situation for etniske hazaraer i Afghanistan efter Talibans magtovertagelse den…
Ny rapport om sikkerheds- og menneskerettighedssituationen på Vestbredden
DRC Dansk Flygtningehjælp har sammen med Udlændingestyrelsen udgivet en ny landerapport om sikkerheds- og menneskrettighedssituationen på Ve…
US - DRC report on The West Bank - Security and human rights situation
Joint country report (COI) by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS/US) on the human rights and security situation in the West Bank covering t…
DRC rapport om Yemen
Om Yemen med fokus på sikkerhedssituationen og humanitære forhold.
DRC rapport om Syd- og Centralsomalia
Om klanmæssigt tilhørsforhold i det sydlige og centrale Somalia.
DRC rapport om Italien
Om forholdene for personer overført til Italien i medfør af Dublin III forordningen (Dublin returnees).
US - DRC report on South and Central Somalia
Joint country report (COI) by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS/US) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) on South and Central Somalia - Se…
US - DRC report on Eritrea
Joint country report (COI) by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS/US) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) on Eritrea: national service, exi…
US - DRC report on mobilisation to the armed forces in Ukraine
Joint country report (COI) by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS/US) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) on mobilisation in Ukraine. The r…
US - DRC report on the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI)
Joint country report (COI) by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS/US) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) on the Kurdistan region of Iraq -…
US - DRC report on Syria
Joint country report (COI) by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS/US) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) on Syria - Security Situation in…
US- DRC report on Georgia
Joint country report (COI) by the Danish Immigration Service (DIS/US) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) on Georgia - The Situation of the…